The purpose of design 🤷🏻‍♂️

The purpose of graphic design is to communicate visually, and there are many subfields within the subject. ‘Editorial design’ is a fundamental aspect of graphic design; it has a huge impact on the world, and we see it in our daily lives. Graphic design includes editorial design as a subset. Traditionally, it has referred to the creation of artwork for newspapers, magazines, and books. However, now It can also refer to designing for online publications which is very popular due to the rise of social media and technology.

The main goal of editorial design is to make publications visually interesting, appealing, and easy to read. A good editorial design is consistent, clear, and aesthetically appealing to readers.

The editorial design industry is well-known throughout the world in a variety of mediums such as books, magazines, and newspapers. Newspapers and magazines, which provide information and knowledge to people all over the world, are a very successful sector of editorial design. The magazine industry, particularly fashion magazines, has had a significant impact on society. It’s a simple way for readers to learn about current trends and styles. The magazine industry in the United Kingdom is estimated to be worth £3.74 billion, with 73 million magazines exported outside the country in 2019.

The newspaper industry is also huge; however, due to the advancement of technology and the preference of most people for digital and mobile platforms, it is shifting globally from traditional print technology to digital technology.

Examples of Editorial design in the Industry:

Above are some successful examples of editorial designs that I have discovered while browsing the internet; they are in the format of a magazine and a newspaper. The work shows excellent use of tones, textures, and layout.  The use of illustrations and colour has made the text more appealing and engaging.

Evolution | booklet on Behance… – a grouped images picture. (n.d.). PinThemAll. Retrieved April 11, 2022, from

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