Over designed user interface

Over design refers to an interface that contains elements that are not required for the user to complete their task. Over design can result from a misunderstanding of what encourages people to use an interface in the first place.


The Wikipedia website is an example of an overly designed user interface. It lacks a hierarchical structure and has overly balanced typography, making it difficult to focus on the information. As a viewer, I find the lack of structure on the website to be very overwhelming.

The effect on User Experience

Over design can have a significant impact on user experience. This is because when a website is over designed, users are overwhelmed by too much clutter on the page and feel forced to work harder than necessary to find information.

If there are too many colours, shapes, and words, users will become disoriented and give up without purchasing anything from you or taking any action. To avoid distractions, the user interface should be minimal and unseen. Over designing diverts attention from the message you’re attempting to convey by making things more difficult for users to use. Overly designed websites typically perform poorly, resulting in low user engagement.

The design industries are always changing and improving. Designers should always be aware of the most recent trends because they are being introduced daily.

But we also have to keep in mind that we shouldn’t get carried away with these trends as they might end up doing more harm than good if they aren’t used properly.


Adipa, W. (2022, September 22). Overdesigned UI and How It Could Affect UX Performance. Wiryawan Adipa. https://wiryawanadipa.com/blog/overdesigned-ui-and-how-it-could-affect-ux-performance/

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