Are you sure…………… 🫠😭

(2023).; GIFER.

Throughout my blog posts from the first and second year PDP modules, I explore various industries that interest me and in which I might be keen to pursue a career in. As a final-year student, it’s crucial for me to know what I want to do in a few months when I graduate, finish my studies at university, and begin looking for a full-time job.

In today’s first lesson of the final PDP module, we were required to revisit our blog posts and brainstorm three industries that we’d like to enter, along with examples of work from our portfolio to demonstrate that we have the skills and experience to do so.

IhtishamGraphics (@ihtishamgraphics) • Instagram photos and videos. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2023, from

My current Instagram portfolio includes self-projects as well as client work in branding, ui, packaging, illustrations, and advertising, so I chose three different projects to include on my industry who am I mind map.

6020AAD: Who am I? (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2023, from

I chose to focus on user interface, branding, and advertising/campaign/marketing. As demonstrated by my Instagram, I have some experience in the fields of graphic design and the creative world. In my previous 2nd year blog posts, I discussed my interests in the user interface design industry, and since then, I’ve expanded my knowledge by producing design prototypes for various self-project apps.

I’d like to work in the user interface industry because it’s all around us and is evolving as technology and trends advance. My favourite user interface web is the Apple Store website; it’s very sleek and stylish and does a good job of representing the company. The website includes motion animations that are very interactive and bring the products being promoted to life.

The second industry in which I have recently developed a strong interest is branding. Since I began posting my work on Instagram, I’ve freelanced and worked with a variety of clients to create their brand identities. I enjoy collaborating with clients to make their vision a reality.

The final industry I chose was advertising/campaign/marketing because I find it very interesting and fun to come up with new ways to promote and raise awareness about issues. In my second year for the creative conscious brief, I created a campaign using social media posts and posters to highlight government censorship. I had to carefully select the colours and typography that would best represent my campaign.

I’m very pleased with the work I’ve produced across the three industries I chose; I’ll continue to research them briefly before settling on one and tailoring my portfolio and cv to that industry.


(2023).; GIFER.

IhtishamGraphics (@ihtishamgraphics) • Instagram photos and videos. (n.d.). Retrieved January 20, 2023, from

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