My Portfolio – review & development 🕵🏻‍♂️ 💻

When I start applying for jobs as a creative, it’s critical that I have a portfolio that showcases the skills and experience I’ll have relevant to the role I’m applying for. Portfolios can take many different forms. I currently use Instagram to promote myself, showcasing work I created with hashtags to gain exposure, which has works pretty well for me so far.

My Instagram account receives visits from 1.3k accounts as a result of my consistent posting and use of relevant hashtags.

As part of my personal branding module last semester, I was required to create a print version of a portfolio relevant to the industry I want to work in. I chose to concentrate on Ui and branding, and I will continue to do so. Using Adobe Illustrator and InDesign, I created a grid structure for my portfolio to showcase different process visuals of each piece of work. I included mock-ups of the final product, which looked appealing, to show my results as a finished product.

Since user interface is the industry I’d like to work in, I chose to base the design structure of my portfolio on that. I was very pleased with the outcome and received a lot of positive feedback. The design was inspired by desk top ui icons, and it explores layout in a fun hierarchical way. I didn’t have much Ui work in my portfolio, so I decided to include other projects that demonstrate similar skills needed in the Ui industry, such as layout, typography, illustrations, and purpose.

Based on the house style and design of my portfolio, I received extremely positive feedback. The only improvements I received was to research design agencies and try to model my portfolio and branding similarly to theirs in order to land a job. I’ll use my feedback to improve my portfolio for the final version I hope to complete in this module.

In today’s exercise, I was asked to revisit and rethink the layout of the portfolio I created last semester. I drew a rough sketch of what my developed portfolio might look like.

In the sketches above, I’ve created a pdf and web version of my portfolio, in which I experiment with layout using a hierarchical structure. This is something that is commonly used in modern user interfaces because it strikes the perfect balance between being engaging and not being too overwhelming for the viewer. I’ll keep experimenting with different layouts until I achieve a successful result that clearly demonstrates my skills relevant to the industry I’d like to work in.

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