Backing up statements πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€βš–οΈπŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’»

The exercise in week 2 helped me understand the process and planning involved in writing a dissertation. We had to discuss what we agreed and disagreed on the topic of good design as a team of myself, Katie, Morgane, and Rahul.

The statement we were given was β€œGood design should be invisible”.

Mind map by – Ihtisham, Katie, Morgane & Rahul

We mapped out our thoughts in the chart above. We all agreed that good design should be invisible, and we used wayfinding and signage as examples to prove our point. Across wayfinding, the emphasis is on the message rather than the design.

However, we also stated that design must be visible at times. We used biometrics and identifications as an example – passports and other ids have a specific design structure that allows border staff at airports to verify their authenticity. The design structure is implemented in such a way that it conveys trust and seriousness.

Overall, I found this activity to be very interesting because it tested my comprehension skills as well as my ability to use them to form arguments with points and evidence as support.


The Crystal Goblet – We Made This. (2021, February 3). We Made This.Β

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